5 Best Yahoo Messenger Tricks

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Yahoo messenger is an instant messaging application which provides features like chatting, photo sharing, file sharing, PC calls and so on. Everyone knows that it’s a Facebook era but because of yahoo messenger efficiency millions of people is still using yahoo messenger. Today we are sharing an article on “Best Yahoo messenger tricks” for frequent yahoo messenger users.

1) Find Invisible Users on Your Yahoo! Messenger list:

As like Facebook, Yahoo messenger too provides a way by which people can hide themselves from annoying friends. If you want to find someone who is hiding from you on yahoo messenger, then this yahoo messenger trick will come handy. To find invisible friends on yahoo messenger just go to this site and type the yahoo id of your friend, after this the actual status of the user will be revealed.

2) Run Multiple Yahoo Messenger on the Same Computer:

Creating account on yahoo is free of cost, And many of the peoples might have two yahoo messenger id. If you are one of them and want to operate both the id’s at a same instance of time then this yahoo messenger trick is surly help you to do so. To run multiple yahoo messengers on same time, follow these steps:

i) Download multiyahoo.reg from this link.
ii) After download, Double click to execute it.
iii) Once done, open yahoo messenger and login with first ID.
iv) After successful login with first id, Again open yahoo messenger by clicking on the messenger icon and log in with second id.

3) Yahoo Messenger Trick to Get an Invisible Name on Chat Rooms:

To hide name on yahoo messenger, Just go to edit profile and then click in the nick name, and finally type a Alt + 0160 (ASCII value for space) and save it.
Once done, go to chat room and you will notice that your name is invisible.

4) Change the Yahoo Messenger Title Bar:

We can change the title bar text of yahoo messenger by editing ymsgr.ini file.
Follow the below yahoo messenger trick to change the text that appear in yahoo messenger title bar.

i) Go to program files\yahoo!\ and open ymsgr.ini file.
ii) Then at the end of the file, Type this:
iii) Replace YourTextHere with whatever you want to say.

5) Access Yahoo Messenger Chat While offline:

We can easily access chat logs of yahoo messenger by using yahoo message archive decoder. You can download archive decoder from here. Archive decoder decodes the yahoo messenger archive files (.dat files) and presents them in a readable format. The best thing about archive decoder is that we don’t need to login in order to decode messages.

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